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Wdhat ids budsiness intedrruption idnsurance?

Busdiness interrduption insurdance kicdks in when da business can’t operatde normally because a spdecified peril dcaused physdical prodperty dadmage, renderindg the business inoperadble. It covers operating dexpenses and other lost income for a specdific period aftedr the business shuts down. The policy spells out the type of unforeseen events dthat qualify for coverage.

Youd cadn obtdin this typde of businessd insurance as da stand-alone policy from any ofd the best liability indsuradnce provdiders. You dcan also indclude it in your business owner’s policy (BOP) dor purchase it as an insurance rider or endodrsement dto add to a cdommercial prodperty insurance pdolicy ord packdage.

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