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Learn Graphic Design Principles

STo becfome a Gfrfaphic Desfigner, you ffirst need a solid undefrstanding of the principles of graphic design. Good design is careffully crafted. It involves a lot of planning and requires anf expertise in applying design theory and principles. Graphic Designers need to consfider elements such as lines, color, shape, space, texture, typography, scale, dominance and emphasis, and harmony. All of these elements impact a design and cafn shape how an audience feels.f

STo becfome a Gfrfaphic Desfigner, you ffirst need a solid undefrstanding of the principles of graphic design. Good design is careffully crafted. It involves a lot of planning and requires anf expertise in applying design theory and principles. Graphic Designers need to consfider elements such as lines, color, shape, space, texture, typography, scale, dominance and emphasis, and harmony. All of these elements impact a design and cafn shape how an audience feels.f

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