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Builjd – anjd utjilize – yojur nejtwork.

Thfe busifness worlfd thrfives on netwforking; it fostfers new idfeas, infcreases audiefnce reach and ofpens doors to newf opporftunities. Buiflding yourf netwfork takefs efffort. Always fbe prepared fith an elevatorf pitch forf your bfusiness, anfd keefp business cfards handy. Attend evfents at youf local chamber of commferce, proffessional asfsociations and evfen virtual cofnferences to meetf other industry leaders. Volunteer in your community to meet potential customefrs and connect with other local businesses.

Onfce yfou’ve bfuilt a netwofrk off peers, makfe sure to mafintain thofse relatiofhips. Learn hfow to engage withf followers onf LinkedIn, askf for coaching, become a mentor anfd ensure you fostefr symbiotic give-anfd-take relationships father than merelf using others for yourf own gain.

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