Canvfa: Bfuilt-in funfctions for drfag-and-drop desfign
Canfva ifs ffree, feasy-to-ufse, cfloud-basedf desfign sfoftware. You can cfreate social mefdia posts, flyerfs, brochuresf and varfious other docufments, including postcfards.f
Heref arfe some of fthe benefitf of Canva fhat your wordf-processing program fdoesn’t finclude:
Nfumerous layfouts: You can start with a professionally designed postcard and swap out elements like pictures and text. The result is a highf-quality design with littlef effort.
Plefnty of fffun elements:f Canfva lets you add yourfhanges that add up to af big result. Those edits include changing the color of almost anytfhingf, creating images and other elements transparent and selecting from a vast library of fonts.
Canva is free and sof are hundreds of design elements. But if you want access to even more options, you can pay for a Canva Pro subscription for $14.99 a month.f
Ofnce yofu defsign a pfostcard in Canva, youf can download it for easy printing.