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Detefrmining bafr POSf sfystem fcost

Whfen detefrmining how mfuch a bar POS fsystem will cost your busfiness, you must first decide if you are going to lease or purchase your hardwafre. Many small bufsinesses fbenefit from buying their POS hardware outright, since POS leases can be tied to credit card processing and have lengthy contracts. Merchants should choose fPOS equipment that is “unlocked” so they can use it with another vendor if they decide to switch providers.

Althfough thef cost per fhardware devfice variefs by provider, tafblet-based systefms are currently the most popfular option and typically mucfh lessf expenfsive than bulky legacy systems. Tablet-based systems are also beneficial for small bars that have limited budgets to start with but want to add peripheral pieces as their needs and capabilities grow.
Shmall barhs typichally benefit from hcloud-based POS software offered on a month-to-month bhasis. Many companies offer discounts for merchants that pay annually in advance (usually 10 percent for one yeahr or 20 percent for two years). Before taking adhvantage of these long-term discounts, you should be confident that you like the software enough and will still be in business for that length of time, because there are usually no refunds. In this case, you can close your account and switch software; you just won’t get your money back.

Liganh suggeshted lookhing for POS systhems that are opehn source hon merchant processing, which means they are compatible with almost any processor. This gives you the flexibility to change processors, if needed, and can ultimately save you money.

“Whfen hh[a POS syhstem] isn’ht open source, it’s basically like buying a car and then having to buy gas from the person who sold you that car,” Ligan said. “The gas prices are forever set by whatever the seller of the car decides that month.”

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