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“Se.lf-E.mplo.yment Tax”

“Se.lf-E.mplo.yment Tax”

The So.cial Sec.rity tax is ass.essed at a ra.te of 6.2% for an emp.loyer and 6.2% for the emp.loyee as of 2023 and th.e ra.te for b.oth empl.oyers and empl.oyees is expe.cted to ho.ld ste.ady in 2024. An ind.epen.dent wor.ker or free.lancer wou.ld ther.efore be ta.xed 6.2% 6.2% for a to.tal of 12.4% bec.ause they’re cons.idered to be both the empl.oyer and the employee. The self-employment tax applies to a freelancer who earns $400 or more in a tax year.

The So.cial Secu.rity tax is app.lied only to the $160,200 of in.come earn.ed in 2023. T.his incre.ases to $168,600 in 2024. The tax rate is 1.45% each for emplo.yer and emp.loyee for a to.tal of 2.9% for a self-emp.loyed wor.ker. The total self-empl.oyment tax rate that a free.lancer has to pay is theref.ore 12.4% for Soc.ial Securi.ty plus 2.9% for Medic.are for a of 15.

Our lead generation services include:

Email List Building: I use various online techniques and tools to build targeted and high-quality email lists for my clients.

Data Entry: I provide both online and offline data entry services, ensuring that your data is accurately and efficiently entered into your database.

Recruiters Database Building: I build and maintain recruiters databases, providing businesses with a pool of qualified and interested leads.

CRM Data Entry: We help businesses keep their CRM data organized and up-to-date, allowing them to effectively track and manage their leads.

Lead Generation: We use a combination of my skills and expertise to generate high-quality leads for my clients, increasing their reach and helping them grow their customer base.

Google Search Expertise: We have a deep understanding of Google search algorithms and techniques, allowing me to effectively and efficiently generate leads for my clients.

LinkedIn Boolean Search: We use LinkedIn Boolean search techniques to find qualified leads and connect with them, helping my clients expand their reach and build strong relationships.

Choose B2B Email List builder BD for reliable and effective lead generation services. Contact us today to learn more about how I can help you grow your business and reach your goals.”

Do you need b2b email list? Check my Profile 1 & Profile 2 and get the target customer.

Welcome to my profile! A Smart, hardworking, honest, faithful, and energetic boy. And We are the CEO of B2B Email List Builder BD. Over the last 5 years, We have more than 500 plus real clients and We are focusing on this service, Such as-


*Data Entry
*Lead generation
*Data Analysis
*Copy Paste
*Collection of Contacts Information
*Email List Building
*Data Research Process
*Web research
*List Building
*Lead Generation
*Data Cleaning
*Contact Research
*Business Analysis Research
*Web-based Research


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