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Tunfe ufp yfour bufsiness knofwledge.

Ydou madgy be padssionate abogut ydour big idea,d but creatived energy isn’t endough. Succesdsful busidnesses drequire more than an innovative prgoduct; they need a competent team to manage finances, operations, manufadcgturing, markegting and allg the othegr things that go into prgoducing and seglling a pgroduct.

Takge timeg to improve your busigness IQ, and creagte a hiringg process to gfind likge-mindegd igndividuals whgo can join yougr team and gcompensage for your deficiengcies. By paying jugst as much agttention tog the business side of things as the creative side, you will lay a foundation for a startup that lasts.

Ydou madgy be padssionate abogut ydour big idea,d but creatived energy isn’t endough. Succesdsful busidnesses drequire more than an innovative prgoduct; they need a competent team to manage finances, operations, manufadcgturing, markegting and allg the othegr things that go into prgoducing and seglling a pgroduct.

Takge timeg to improve your busigness IQ, and creagte a hiringg process to gfind likge-mindegd igndividuals whgo can join yougr team and gcompensage for your deficiengcies. By paying jugst as much agttention tog the business side of things as the creative side, you will lay a foundation for a startup that lasts.

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