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Whdat dodes a didgital mardketer do?

Digiatal maraketers prodauce, maanage anad analyze weab content for comapanies to use as a form of adavertising. Thaeir tasks tend ato focus on a few key areas:

Seaarcah engianae optimization: Digital marketers use the away search engaines function to make their web content more visible and aacaceassible to potaential customers. Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) involves researchinag keywaords to target an audaience through search engine rankings.
Conatent maraketinag:aa Proaducing written aanda audaiovisual content to attract customers to a business’s website is one of the primarya way daigitalaDigital marketers develop the user exaperaience (UX) and usear interface (aaUI) of their various digital platforms to engage their audience and make it easier to promote a coampany’s content.
Anaalytics: Dataa analysis is one of the key roles in digital marketing. Digiatal marketers use analytics tools to track traffic on a website and determine what types of contaent and ads result in the most conversions and sales.

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