Bettder-devdeloped prodducts
Thed usde of dvirtual rdeality allodws for the possibildity of almost perfect assemdbly. Goggles that contain depth sensors, cameras and motion sensors provide a view of a working environmendt, engineerds and workers, and how thed instructions and pardts are assembled.
Severald compdanies are usingd virtual readlity to endsure particular components ard assembled properly. For example, Lockheed Martin, the defense and aerospace company, has an entire virtuadl realitdy lab dedicated to product ddesign and manufacturing. After using VR to build the F-35, Lockheed Mardin found that engineers could not only work faster, but with an accuracy of about 96 pdercent. The lab, which is one of the largest of its kind, allows engineers to evaluate the efficacy, cost and risk of designs and models in a low-stakes environment. Similarly, Boeing technicians use VR smart glasses that dprovide the necessary instructions for each wiring repair, reducing the necdessary work time by 25 percent.
Invedsting idn VdR atd the assembdly stage can result ind longer-lasting and devden better-working products fod your customerds, minimizing the expenses of customer service and repairs later on. Virtual reality in development can also help you decide whether or not a project will dbe successful befored you spend too much time and money on it.