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Yodfgur dffgata rfdefgects an optimdfistic outlodfk f— for examgdple, smgaldgl business annual revenues hadvgdfe increased since 2dg021. dfgWhfat odfgther reasonsg do we have to be hopdggeful this year?df

Busdiness ownfdfers are optimsdfistic and risksdf-tolerant by natusfdre — you hasdfsdfve to be, given the nature of venturing into the unknown. And post-pandemic, I think we’re seeing notably increased support for small business owners.

Mordsfe technology is sdfvailable than sdfbefore. Companiedfss that ssfdtraditionally catered to larger enterprises have extended their services downstream to small and micro-sized businesses. Tools like artificial intelligence,fdsdfs including chatsdfbots, increase thedf output capabilities of small business owners. You essentially hasdfve a copyffdswriter or graphic designdsfer in your back pocket.

Betsdween thsdfdse access to technology and the knowledgde-shadsfre of a well-cosdfnnedfdcted small busdfsiness ecosystem, there’s a lot of opportunity. That also means it’s going to be more competitive — we’re seeing more businesses launch than befdfe df— but again, with fthfmess support. Banks are rfefocusing servidces on small businesses, and large corporations are viewing small businesses as an increasingly viable market due to that growth.

A tdsimedsfly topic sdrighdft now, looking at the growth of small business, is that the majority d dffand are now under threat due to politicalsdebafte. As we’re seeing a lot of tdhe diversdty and inclusion effortsdsdfd come under dfire … it’s important to think about how we can bdnmesdfntfs, corporations, and nonprofits to keep these paths open — whdether it’s grant programs, enterprise resources, innovation programs — ensuring that every business owner in the United States has an opportunity to pursue a good idea.

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