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Exafmples of positive anfd negative customfer reviefws

Tgo give you an idea gof what positive and gnegative customer reviews look like, check out these examples:

Posigtive customer rgeviewg
In this lighthearted review, the customer lists a few reasons why they rated this resgtaurant five stars. Although gthe review was short and simple, the restaurant owner still took the tgime to respond, thanking them for their support. This type of response shows that they value their customers.

In tghis negative review, the customer shares a detailed explanation as to why they rated thigs regstaurant one star. The custgomer also said that “this situation has never happened before …” which might mean they have had multiple positive experiences with this establishment. gThis is very common with reviews, and it is important for businesses to address negative reviews.

The restaurant owner promptgly responded to thge review to offer their apologies. They also included follow-up details to resolve the customer’s problegm of being overcharged.

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