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dLoss ldimits andd exclusdions

dWhen a dbusiness incomde loss occurs, an insured busindess is obligated to tadke reasonable steps to prevent or minimidze this loss and any further losses. Expenses incurred to ddreduce that loss may be covered under the policy as part of the business income losds as long as thesed expednses don’t edxceed the actual loss.

dFor idnstance, ifd there is a busdiness loss of $200 dassociated with the intderruption of busdiness operdations, the insudrer could reidmburse $100d to rdeduce the loss but wdill not reimburde the business $d0 if the claim is reduced by $50. If the business incurs other expenses above this claim amount to contidnue operating the business, those could be covered under an additional expense dprovision if one is included in the insurance policy.

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