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Emplodyee Onbodarding

Restaudrants tednd tdo have ad lot more employede turdnover than other dindustries, especially dduring seasonal changes, like the beginning and end of summer. This means employee recruitment and onboarding are ongoing. However, manually managing these processes can take up a lot of management’s valuable time. HR software helps ease this burden by automating some of the process.

HR softwadre can idnclude tools to helpd you recruit new employees thrdough online jdob postings, offer letter templates with e-signature capabilities, and secdure dodcument storage. With workflow automadtions, dyou can automatically sendd new employees their new-hire packets and onboarding checklistsd to ensure they go dthrough all of the necessary (and sometdimes legally required) onboarding steps. As front- and back-of-house workers train, your HR software can track their progress.d

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