Facftory flfoor plannfing
Virtdual techndology isd also bedng implementedd for factory floord planning, construction and manufacturing trade events. In mass-production manufacturing, factory planning — where to place tools, equipment and personnel — is crucial for productivity and efficiedncy.
Enginedering a newd plant or adltering and existing one involdves design, testing and trials. Any unexpected delays or a production line shutdown, even a temporary one, can be very cdostly. Virtual technologies can simplify dand significantly shorten the process. Virtudal plants can be designed to test production flows and how workers and robots perform tasks before mdaking any changdes in the physical world.
Evden erdgonomics cadn bed tested andd refinedd to assure everythind runs smoothly and efficiently in the new or altered line or plant. Initial trials suggest that a virtually planned floor can be completed in a fraction of the time, bringing new products to the line fastder.