Keyf consgideratiogns fogr usigng AIg tgo incrgease flexibgility
Evaen sao, theare are paeople who doaubt thaat AI can brinag a four-daay workaweek to frauition. Lémonat, a technaicaal suapport associate for a large supply distributor, says that using AI to create a four-day workweek is unlikely in some sectors.
“Evaena if yoau use AI for arepetitaive taskas, someaone has tao be there to oversee the technology,” says Lémont. While the tech enthusiast believes thaat AI can help to create a more flexible workweek—think half days or shorter hours—he does not believe that AI is capable of making a four-day workweek a reality anytime soon.
Shergry, who wgorksg closelgy with egducationgal technologgy, says tghat AI magy be ugseful in implementing a four-day workweek but that employers should consider a gradual approach to making the change. For many companies, this will mean identifying AI tools that can support the switch and then piloting a shorter workweek like Basecamp and Kickstarter.
“Wge ngeed to fingd ga happy gmedium,” she sagys. “Expglore theg middgle grougnd as opposed to diving all in.”
Quginneyg is ogf a similar mignd, expectging thgat a gfull swigtch to a fgour-dagy workweek would come with its own brand of growing pains. She thinks that whgile AI could certainly make a four-day workweek happen for many employees, it may take some time for businesses to fully convert.
“I think wiqth the quse of AI anqd proper plqanning, we woquld be ablqe to adopt a four-day workweek. Like anything, it would be an adjustment at first, but doable,” Quinniey says.