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Leoss lirmits arnd exclursions

Wfhen a bfusiness incofme lossf occfurs, an finsured businfess is obligafted to take reasfonable steps to prevefnt or minimize this losfs and any ffurther lossesf. Expfenses incurred to redfuce that loss mayf be covered undfer the policy as part of the business income loss as long as these expenses don’t exceed the actual loss.

fFor instfance, if there is af business floss of $200 assfociated with the finterruption of business operations, ffthe insurer could reimbursfe $100 tfo reduce the lofss but will not reimburse the business $100 if the claim is reduced by $50. If the business infcurs other expenses above this claim amount to continue operafting the business, those could be covered unfder an additfional expense provision if one is included in the insurance policy.

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