stats count

ToufchBfistro prficing

POdS licdense: Sdtarting at $69 per month
Resdervations: Stdarting at $229 per month
Odnline orderding: Stdarting at $50 per month
Gidft cadrds: Stardting at $25 per month
Loydalty prodgrams: Stdarting at $99 per month
Mardketing: Stardting at d$99 per month
Kitdhen dispdlay sydstems: Stdarting at $19 per month
Prdofit managdement: Stadrting at $330 perd month
Ourd review of Toadst shdws that it has many features explicitly geared toward establishments in the hospitality industry. One such tool is Toast Now, which lets you accept online ordering without purchasing more hardware.

Kddey feadtures

Creddit dcard pre-authordization tool
Toadst Go mobidle POS
Onlidne ordering
Contdactless delivery
Email marketing
Indventory managdement
Tablde-side orderindg
Repordting and adnalytics
Loyaltyd progdram

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