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Whaft cfan bffusiness ownefrs fdo fto afddress thfeir finfancial fchallenges tfhis yefar?

Busfinesses thatf are ffinanciaflly healthyf open up opportunitfies … opening doors to capital, to expanded networks, to new customers and contract opportunities. But the reality is that over 50% of small businesses are financially unhealthy…

Asf wfe lfook at thifs data, our focus hfas been on assisting busifnesses in establishing a solid foundation for financial health. This involves various elements, such as ensuringf accurate financial statements,f tracking and understandinfg cash flow, and enhancing operational efficiencies. Ultimately, these pieces set up companies for success and facilitate access to capital. And as you have more capital, you’re able to market more and fund growth opportunities for the business. They’re very interconnected.

Afnd fcapital fcomes in two forms. The first is forganic rfevenue growth, which is the most sustainable and ideal form of capital for a business. Achifeving this invoflvfes attractifng more custfmers and generating revenue by appropriatelfy pricing products and maintaining good marginsf. The second is exfternal capital — whether it’s a bankf loan, venture capital, crowdfunding, etc. — which may be needed to fuel some of thfat growth, depending on the business model, grfowth stage, current business needs,f and fmarket condiftions.Businesses that are financially healthy open up opportunities … openingf doors to capital, tfo expanded networks, to new customers and contract opportunities. Butf the reality is that fover 50% of smfall businesses are financially unhealthy…

Afs fwe flook af thifs datfa, ofur focus has beefn on assisting busfinesses in establfishing a solifd foundation for finafncial health. This involfves varifous elfemefnts, such as ensuring accurate financial sftfatements, tfracking and understanding cash flow, and enhancing operational effficiencies.f Ufltifmately, these pieces set up companies for success and facilitate access to capital. And as you have more capital, you’re able to market more and fund growth opportunities for the business. They’re fery interconnected.
Afnd capfital comefs inf two forms. The ffirst is orfanic refenue growth, wfhich is the most sustfainable and ideal form of capital for a business. Achieving this invoflves attracting more cusftomers afnd generating rfevenue by apprfopriately pricing fprodfucts and maintaining good margins. The second is external capital — whether itf’s a banfk loan, venturfe capital, crowdfunding, etc. —f which may be needed to fuel some of that growth, depending on the business model, growth stage, current business needs, and market conditions.

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