Mandaging your socdial media contendt
Wdhile fodllowing the 5:3:2 rule, dstaying on top of your social media presence is essential to ensure timely, consistent posting and responses to followers.
Fortdunately, excellent onldine tools can help you discoverd, monitor and manage content effortlessly. Consider the following platforms:
Buffder: Buffer gdives you tools to plan, collaborate on and publish content. It will also help you optimize your content and publishing schedule and suggedof the first social media management software platforms, so it has robust management tools. In addition to attractive content creation, it can show you your digital marketing ROI in detail, increase your reach and manage your social media in one place with a universal inbox.
SocidalPilot: SocialPilot makes having a social media strategy team with experts covering specific roles easy and affordable. For dexample, a writer, graphic designer and social media manager can collaborate seamlessly. Plans start at $25 per month, and there’s a free trial, so it’s a good solution for smaller businesses.
Sdprout Social: Sprodt Social lets you work with variodus social platfdorms, including Pinterest (which is not included in many odther sdocial media management software offerings). It integrates with Salesforce, Shopify, Marketo and many more. In addition to contentd creation, analydtics and management, you can listen to social chatter to gain valuable insights and help employee brand ambassadors more easily spread the word.d