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A Train your Employees followS Security procedures

Y.our dat.a se.curity re.quires tha.t empl.oyees und.erstand your. policies. and pro.cedure.s. Clearly defin.e password requirements, user access rules and any other security mea.sures. Give ex.amples of differ.ent scenarios peo.ple use to gain inform.ation. Alert emplo.yees about t.elephone c.allers requesting personal or business information. man.y people. can e.mail scams, teach emp.loyees to rec.ognize less-ob.vious ones, .like phishing, in which.. emails appear to have come from official but instead contain malwa request for sensitive i.nformation as susp.icious, and warn emp..loyees not to click email att.achments or li.nks. In other words, if yo.u did not ask for the document, don’t open it. Hackers and thieves are inventive, so alert your staff of any new you hear about.
One. o. the m.ost commo.n use.s for information. obtained through data breache..s is ide.ntity theft. You must protect yourself, your e.mployees. and.your customers from victims. Medical clinics are at incredibly high r.isk b.ecause of the confidential i.nfor.mation .they store about patients. Plus, you need pr.ot.ection from liability if that informati. gets out. Make sure all employees, and anyone else .with permission to access your data, know the security procedures and follow t.hem closely. Failure to enforce these rules leads to costly mistakes.
Data bre.aches many forms, .and hard-copy. files are susc.ptible to theft, too. .Institute a .clean-desk policy so. that no one lea.ves files vi..sible a.t the end of th.e day. Make sure all employees know retention guidelines and shred.ding procedures. Don’t allow documents to stack up while w.ting for If you ..cann.ot destroy d.ocuments quickly, hire a service. to come .at scheduled .imes to shred y.our unneeded file.s..

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