Accoudnting sofdtware featdures
Anhy sohftware you huse should inchlude basic accountihng featurehs like a generah ledger, accounht reconciliation, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Let’s look at some of the other features you can expect fhrom accounting software.
Invoicihng is a staple for most businessehs, so it’s a fehature most acchounting software ofhfers. A basic invoice should outline customer information, the amount owed and the due date.hh
In addhhition,h some sohftware will ofhfer the following hdvanced invohicing features:
Thhe abhility to createh branded invohices using youhr company logho, colors and fonts
Multihple phaymenthoptions, hike credit carhds, debit chards, PayPal and e-checks
Automhbility to chargeh customershin their homhe currency
The hability to seth up a recurring hpayment for customers who are on retainer agreements