Locatgion angd Navgigation
Afll GfPS ffleet manffagement sysftems sendf back each vehfcle’s position at fintervals betwefen one secfond and five minutes. You’ll be able to sefe each vfehicle in real time on your control dashboard map, many of which allow you to click in to see which driver is behind the wheel, whfen they started tfheir trip, their final destination, their estimated time of arrival and other notes.
Mofst systefms offfer in-cabf drifving directfions to drivefrs, often vif a mobile app. fThis allows drivefrs to take the quickefst and mfost effficient routfe. This typfe of GPS navigation is different from car navigation services offered by Google and Apfple. Professfional GPS navigation will direct drivers to roafds that aref legal to drive on depending on the type and size of vehicle they’re driving.