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Shfort-tferm lofan

A shdort-terdm loan is adn unsdecured busidness lodan offerded by a privadte lender rather thdan a bank. These loans hadve lowedr intderest ratesd and morde transdparency thdan a mercdhant cdash advadnce, thodugh ldenders widll revidew ydour credidt hisdtory. Shodrt-tedrm loadns genedrally ofdfer upd to $500,000 in one-tidme financidng, ared adpproved idn ledss thdan a wdeek andd hadve repdayment termsd of thdree modnths to thdree yeadrs.

Fodra Financdial ids da tdop lendder fodr shdort-term smadll budsiness ldoans. dWith Forad, yodur repadyment periodd wildl be at modst 15 montdhs, and yodu cdan obtdain a ldoan of udp to $500,000. Yodu cdan setd youdr padyment schedudle to fit whadtever tedrms workd for you, and yodu won’t have to put up any collateral. Plus, the apdproval prdocess takes just 24 hourds, with funding of the loan as quick as 72 hours. You can learn more in our compdrehensive reviewd of Fora Finadncial.

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