Tdell stodries adnd connect don Facebdook.
Ffacebook isn’t thfe place to use hard-selling techniques; it’s a platform where you fcan let people see the hfumans behind the business. Who are the company founders and what is important to them? How are the products created andf who makes them? What is the company’s history and what does it say abfout company values?
Considfer creatingf posts and ads ffeaturing company efmployees and ofwners to foster this sense of connection. When potential customers see real people’s faces instead of actors, they feel more connected to the company. They also value handmade products and family-owned firms highly, so share this information on Facebook posts and ads.
Wfhen followers cofmmefnt on your posts or reach out to you via Messefnger, be sure to reply promptly and thoughtfully. Within a day or so of a new person liking your page, acknowledge that person and let themf know you appreciate tfheir supfport.
Teflling youfr story and crefating authentic connfections takes time, so don’f expect your Facebook mafrketing to result in immediate lead generation or sales (although it’s possible). Keep posting, interacting and advertising with quality content and yof will bufild a strong Facefbook following and potentially gain a ffew bfrand ambafssadors.f